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Cardinal Virtual Academy



To best meet the needs of our community, an online option is available for *7-12 grade students who apply and meet criteria for admittance. The Cardinal Virtual Academy (CVA) is made possible through a partnership with Camden Fairview School District (CFSD) and Virtual Arkansas. Students who are eligible may attend virtual classes solely or attend a mix of in-person and online classes.


  • Students who have been enrolled in CFSD for at least one year prior. New students may apply and may be approved based on space availability and/or other circumstances. 

  • Cardinal Virtual Academy (CVA) is only available for grades *7-12. 

  • Students who have 90% attendance rate from the previous semester and no referrals for FINS due to absences and/or tardies.

  • No court orders that contradict participation in a virtual option.

  • Willingness to participate in other requirements of the school or the program (to include but not limited to):

    • AAA requirements

    • School-Based Mental Health 

    • Special Education

    • Dyslexia Services

    • State-Required testing

Application Process

  • Students will complete the CVA Application in addition to the annual District Enrollment forms. The CVA Application link is available here and at the end of this webpage.

  • Students and parents must complete a CVA Parent and Student Agreement. 

  • Application for admission will close 20 calendar days prior to the start of a new semester. Students who apply after this cutoff and meet qualifications shall be added to a waitlist. Students on the waitlist shall be considered at semester if spots become available. 

  • CFSD and Virtual Arkansas shall determine the number of CVA spots available based on availability in classes at Virtual Arkansas and the campus needs. An attempt will be made to keep numbers equal among the grades, but that may not always be possible based on interest levels. 

  • Applications are accepted based on an “as received” basis. Application does not guarantee acceptance.

  • Students shall be notified of the status of their admittance by letter. Students must accept their spot no later than five days before the start of the semester. 

  • Students who enroll in CV should plan on attending for the entire semester. No transfers from CFMS/CFHS to CVA (and vice versa) shall occur unless:

    • Express permission is granted by the CVA Admission Team. 

    • Enrollment is based on student needs and documented on a plan (IEP or 504)

Eligibility to Remain in CVA Program

To remain eligible for participation in the CVA program, the student and family must agree to the following:

  • Actively participate in class and tutoring sessions.

  • Follow all school rules while engaged in virtual instruction and when on-campus or attending school events.

  • Respectfully treat materials and equipment.

  • Meet with on-campus personnel to the extent needed for each individual student. This includes coming to campus (and providing transportation to, unless otherwise noted by IEP or 504) for, but not limited to, the following:

    • Counseling

    • State-mandated testing

    • Dyslexia Services

    • Special Education Services 

    • On-site classes in which the student is enrolled.

    • Extracurricular activities that a child is participating in, such as attending practices for athletics, etc. 

Participation in Extracurricular Programs 

  • CVA students shall be considered students of Camden Fairview School District and may access extracurricular opportunities for which they are eligible. These students will be enrolled in eSchool, which shall reflect that they are full-time students of CFSD.  

  • Students who are enrolled in another publicly-funded virtual school shall not be eligible to participate in classes, interscholastic/extracurricular activities, Girls/Boys State delegation, CFHS Homecoming, graduation, etc. Students who are residents of the Camden Fairview School District and who are enrolled in Arkansas Virtual Academy or Arkansas Connections Academy may participate in AAA-sanctioned activities and sports and shall be enrolled in the respective course related to that AAA-sanctioned activity and/or sport to the extent possible.

  • Home-schooled students (Notice of Intent to Homeschool form on file with the Superintendent's Office and not participating in another publicly-funded school district’s programs) who meet eligibility requirements of Arkansas Code § 6-15-509 are able to participate in interscholastic activities, as defined in Arkansas Code § 6-15-509, and classes provided at Camden Fairview.. This includes enrolling in a virtual course through CVA.